Golfers: What do you do now if you get COVID?

The current state of play

With almost 2 years since the pandemic, COVID-19 is still with us. It has contributed to the death of  nearly 22,000 people in Australia. It has morphed into new variants and it continues to make people sick and killed on average 10 people per day in Australia in November 2023.

Yet we seem to have got blase about it with the rate of booster injections falling from the historic height of 95% in 2021 to those who had the 4th booster, stranded at 44%.

So what should you do if you going on a golf trip and you develop symptoms and test positive?

COVID -19 virus

Steps for a COVID recovery

With even Australian cricketers who have got COVID  allowed to join the team for a test (they just can’t join in the huddle at a wicket fall), people must be confused what are the smart behaviours now when you get COVID-19.

These are current smart behaviours recommended by the various State Governments:

  1. Stay Home and Isolate: Stay away from others as much as possible to prevent spreading the virus. Use a separate room and bathroom if available.

  2. Inform Close Contacts: Let people you’ve been in close contact with know about your diagnosis so they can monitor their health and take necessary precautions.

  3. Follow Public Health Guidelines: Adhere to any quarantine or isolation guidelines recommended by your local health authorities.

  4. Rest and Hydrate: Ensure you get plenty of rest and stay well-hydrated. Drink fluids and eat as healthily as possible to support your immune system.

  5. Monitor Symptoms: Keep an eye on your symptoms. COVID-19 can affect different people in various ways, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Include a Rapid Antigen test in your baggage.

  6. Seek Medical Advice: If your symptoms worsen or if you have concerns about your health, contact your healthcare provider for advice. Be sure to call ahead before visiting to inform them about your condition and follow their instructions.

  7. Medication for Symptoms: Over-the-counter medicines may help alleviate some of your symptoms, but always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication.

  8. Practice Good Hygiene: Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  9. Wear a Mask: If you need to be around others or if someone is caring for you, wear a mask to help prevent spreading the virus.

  10. Follow Up: If you have been instructed by a healthcare provider to monitor your symptoms or report your health status, ensure you follow their instructions.

COVID-19 is a killer and much more virulent than the common cold or flu. If one is booked for a golf trip and tests positive, it maybe best to avoid that trip or if on that trip already, isolate oneself and start wearing a mask indoors. One must remember that probably the group you are with are over 50 years of age, the group most vulnerable to complications from COVID-19.

COVID 19 vaccine

Over the counter medication

Two types of anti-virals are available now and anecdotally they work pretty well in relieving the symptoms of COVID-19. They are Plaxovid and Lagevrio but they are still no substitute in effectiveness to keeping your vaccinations up to date.

However there are restrictions on when they will be prescribed. They are restricted to people who are:

  • 70 years of age or older
  • 50 to 69 years of age with 1 additional risk factor for severe illness 
  • an Aboriginal person, 30 years of age or older and with 1 additional risk factor for severe illness
  • 18 years of age or older and are immunocompromised.

All is not lost if you are on our golf trips

Eventhough we no longer have the same “full refund” as what did during the pandemic, our refund policy can still help you out. Our refund policy is that if you need to isolate and can’t come on a tour with us, we will refund green fees and where possible cart fees and accommodation costs to the infected client.

COVID-19 whether we are talking about it or not has become part of our lives and it requires a consideration of others to reduces its effect.

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